60 Publications


Population estimates, houses, and household networks in the Late Formative to Classic Period Tequila Valleys, Jalisco

Image d'accroche pour l'article qui est un extrait en négatif de la figure 4 qui montre plusieurs structures d'habitat

Many topics of archaeological investigation, such as subsistence, labor allocation, or urbanism, benefit from the quantification of ancient population, most directly calculated from the number and size of houses. Most methodological reviews concentrate on the correct number of persons/house (or...

Christopher S. Beekman and Verenice Y. Heredia Espinoza  
Jul 2024

Élodie DUPEY GARCÍA y Elena MAZZETTO (eds), Mesoamerican Rituals and the Solar Cycle. New Perspectives on the Veintena Festivals

Couverture de l'ouvrage "Mesoamerican Rituals and the Solar Cycle. New Perspectives on the Veintena Festivals"Peter Lang

Ritos mesoamericanos y el ciclo solar. Nuevas perspectivas sobre las fiestas de las veintenas, editado por Élodie Dupey García y Elena Mazzetto, es el primer volumen de la serie “Indigenous Cultures of Latin America: Past and Present” (editor de la serie: Gabrielle...

Stan Declercq
Apr 2024

El cangrejo, la tierra primigenia y su sacrificio, según la versión del Popol Vuh de Ximénez

The cosmogonical section of the Popol Vuh, as interpreted by Francisco Ximénez, suggests a link, by means of the crab, between the first mountain-earth emerging from the water and the one where Sipakna was buried. The characteristics of Sipakna, his brother...

Leda Peretti
Mar 2024

Entre lo que se come, se quema y se imagina. Representación rupestre de plantas en Baja California, México

Although it is difficult to characterize rock art motifs, and even more difficult to know their message and intention, we argue it is possible to identify a wide variety of flora-related elements represented in different rock art sites in the northern...

Enah Fonseca Ibarra y Fiorella Fenoglio Limón
Sep 2023

Identificación de interacciones sociales entre la región de Aguascalientes y sus vecinos durante el Epiclásico a través del análisis cerámico

Image d'accrochefotografía J. Jiménez Meza, M. J. Dueñas García y G. López Noyola

Recent research has shown that the Aguascalientes region was part of a cultural dynamic that developed in the Río Verde Grande basin. This dynamic is reflected in the diagnostic ceramics recovered through archaeological investigations at Cerro de Santiago, El Ocote, La Montesita...

Gilda López Noyola, Manuel de Jesús Dueñas García, Ana María Pelz Marín y Miguel A. Nicolás Caretta
Jul 2023

Figurillas en contexto(s) en Mesoamérica y los Andes. Nuevas aproximaciones para el estudio holístico de artefactos tridimensionales de arcilla

Scène de figurines, site San Cayetano, GuanajuatoBrigitte Faugère, Projet Tigre-Lerma

El tema tratado en esta sección temática fue originalmente abordado en el simposio n.° 349 “Mesoamerican Figurines in Context. New Insights on Tridimensional Representations from Archaeology” coordinado por Juliette Testard y Brigitte Faugère, durante el 84th Annual Meeting of the...

Juliette Testard y Brigitte Faugère
Jun 2023

Lapidaria suntuaria del sitio arqueológico de Plazuelas, Guanajuato, México. Una herramienta útil para proponer Redes de intercambio en el Bajío occidental durante el Epiclásico-Postclásico temprano (600 hasta > 900 EC)

The archaeological site of Plazuelas is located in the central-western area of Mexican territory and its cultural peak corresponds to the Epiclassical period (600-900 CE) and the beginnings of the Early Postclassic period. Its geographical location allowed it to be a commercial...

Jasinto Robles Camacho, Marco Antonio Meneses Nava, Ricardo Sánchez Hernández y Luz María Flores Morales
Mar 2023

Claude STRESSER-PÉAN y Sara LADRÓN DE GUEVARA (coords),Vida, muerte y creencias en la Huasteca posclásica

Couverture de l'ouvrage "Vida, muerte y creencias en la Huasteca posclásica"

Con la coordinación del libro colectivo Vida, muerte y creencias en la Huasteca posclásica, Claude Stresser-Péan y Sara Ladrón de Guevara profundizan en su línea de estudio compartida sobre las sociedades prehispánicas del Golfo de México, al mismo tiempo que nos ofrecen...

Élodie Dupey García
Nov 2022

Eva Jobbová, The Maya and Environmental Stress from Past to Present. Human response and adaptation to climate change in the Maya Lowlands

Couverture de l'ouvrage d'Eva JOBBOVÁ, "The Maya and Environmental Stress from Past to Present. Human response and adaptation to climate change in the Maya Lowlands"

Ancient lowland Maya societies, which were complex societies with a subsistence economy based on agriculture in a humid tropical climate with alternating dry and wet seasons, are a particularly suitable case study for examining the effects of climate change on...

Eva Lemonnier
Nov 2022

Ocultar para mostrar: una revisión de los contextos, cronologías e interpretaciones de las host figurines

In a previous article, a first definition and initial characterization of a cluster of host Teotihuacan figurines was proposed, detecting common features and defining two possible formal groups. In this second phase of the study, the sample has been expanded...

Annabel Villalonga Gordaliza, Natàlia Moragas
Jul 2022

Miruna ACHIM, Susan DEAN-SMITH, and Sandra ROZENTAL (eds.), Museum Matters. Making and Unmaking Mexico’s National Collections

Couverture de l'ouvrage Museum Matters

En la década de 1820 el naciente Museo Nacional Mexicano albergaba una diversidad de bienes que comprendían tanto colecciones prehispánicas e históricas, como minerales, animales disecados o modelos de cuerpos humanos. Con el correr de los años algunos de ellos se...

Eliseo Padilla Gutiérrez
Jun 2022

Arqueología del sur de la cuenca de Chapala, Michoacán, México. Primeras aproximaciones a una región olvidada

The southern Chapala Basin has been a forgotten place for many years by Mexican archeology although if the surrounding regions have been extensively studied. The implementation of the Proyecto de Salvamento Arqueológico Las Purépechas has allowed to change a little this...

David Arturo Muñiz García, José Luis Punzo Díaz
May 2022

Michael D. MATHIOWETZ and Andrew D. TURNER (eds.), Flower Worlds. Religion, Aesthetics, and Ideology in Mesoamerica and the American Southwest

Couverture Flower World

Flower Worlds is a collective volume that brings together a complete session at the 84th Annual Meeting of the Society of American Archeology (SAA) in Albuquerque in 2019. The introduction traces seminal investigations of the flower world by Jane H. Hill, Kelley Hays-Gilpin,...

Daniel Salazar Lama
May 2022

Marie Charlotte ARNAULD, Christopher S. BEEKMAN, Grégory PEREIRA (dir.), Mobility and Migration in Ancient Mesoamerican Cities

Americae publiait récemment le compte rendu d’un ouvrage collectif édité par Christopher S. Beekman ([dir.] 2019) sur les migrations mésoaméricaines (Castañeda Gómez del Campo 2020). Le même chercheur publie, cette fois avec Marie Charlotte Arnauld et Grégory Pereira, un nouveau recueil de textes...

Julien Hiquet
Apr 2022

Figurines in context(s) at La Quemada. Production, performance, and discard

This article presents an analysis conducted on the collection of ceramic figurines found at the Epiclassic center of La Quemada, Zacatecas, Mexico, during stratigraphic excavations of the La Quemada-Malpaso Valley Archaeological Project. This corpus (1989-1999) constitutes an essential source of information about...

Marion Forest, Juliette Testard, Elsa Jadot, Ben A. Nelson, Andrea Torvinen
Dec 2021

Sacralidad y plegaria. Una aproximación a los posibles usos y significados de la figurilla Tipo I en el Noroccidente del México prehispánico

Figurine comme image d'accroche de l'article

During a period of approximately three centuries (ca. 600-900 AD), the pre-Hispanic societies of Northwest of Mexico participated in an interaction and exchange network through which artifacts and ideologies flowed (Jiménez Betts and Darling 2000). The so-called Type I figurine (Williams 1974) has been considered...

Laura Solar Valverde
Dec 2021

Las figurillas mayas de Tabasco, México: contextos y narraciones del Clásico Tardío

Three pre-Hispanic clay figurine traditions have been identified in Tabasco territory. Based on the Jonuta and Comalcalco figurines collections, the evidence suggests that during the Late Classic period there were two styles of anthropomorphic figures: one associated mainly with funerary...

Miriam Judith Gallegos Gómora, Ricardo Armijo Torres
Nov 2021

Less simple, but still too tidy. Sur l’état des recherches concernant la préhistoire ancienne des Amériques

University of Utah Press, Salt Lake City, 2019

La préhistoire des Amériques est en perpétuel mouvement, ce qui ne signifie pas toujours un renouvellement. Les périodes les plus anciennes sont sans aucun doute l’un des sujets les plus intéressants de la préhistoire universelle. Un sujet passionnant, jeune et...

Antonio Pérez-Balarezo
Nov 2021

Llamas and the lordly commitment: an offering context and Recuay camelid imagery at Pashash (ca. 200-600 CE), Ancash, Peru

This essay studies an ancient outlook and system of social relations in which animals were seen not solely as food, but also as beings that intervened mutually in overall social life. For studying how an Andean culture developed when camelids...

George F. Lau
Oct 2021

Figurine ontologies, household ritual assemblages, and gendered concerns at Postclassic Xaltocan, Mexico

This paper explores human engagement with ceramic figurines in household ritual practice at Postclassic Xaltocan (Mexico). Drawing on the ontological turn, figurines are understood to be other-than-human agential entities and momentary orderings of sacred and vital energy that come into...

Lisa Overholtzer
Aug 2021

Stephen Rostain, Amazonie, l’archéologie au féminin

couverture de Amazonie archeologie au femininBelin

Amazonie, l’archéologie au féminin de Stephen Rostain est bien plus qu’une historiographie de l’archéologie amazonienne au sein de laquelle les femmes ont eu un rôle prépondérant, bien que souvent ignoré. C’est un livre passionnant, foisonnant d’histoires grandes et petites, qui...

Laurence Manolakakis
Jul 2021

Figurines and the materiality of ancient Maya humor

Identifying humor in the archaeological record is enormously difficult, if not impossible, since laughter, irony, and fun are highly dependent on contextual circumstances. Nonetheless, it is important to recognize that humor was a part of the past as much as...

Christina T. Halperin
Jun 2021

Cadenas operatorias en la producción de objetos emplumados mexicas

In this work, the operational sequences in the production of luxury feather objects are presented in the context of the empire of Moctezuma II. The reflections focus on the corpus of six pieces of Mexica culture that are preserved in museums...

María Olvido Moreno Guzmán, Laura Filloy Nadal
May 2021

James T. Watson and Gordon F. M. Rakita (eds.), Ancient Southwestern Mortuary Practices

couverture de l'ouvrageUniversity Press of Colorado

Ancient Southwestern Mortuary Practices is best described as a synthesis, a collaborative undertaking derived from massive data collection and analysis projects driven by several researchers since 2011. As such, it follows in the footsteps of many previous works, most notably...

Hemmamuthé Goudiaby
May 2021

Prólogo sección especial “Ritual y poder en Teotihuacan”

Sitio único y a la vez emblemático del Clásico mesoamericano, Teotihuacan fue, desde muy temprano, considerada como una ciudad donde los vínculos entre el poder político y religioso fueron estrechos. Si bien, la idea según la cual Teotihuacan fue una...

Grégory Pereira
Apr 2021

Travis W. Stanton and M. Kathryn Brown (eds.), A Forest of History. The Maya after the Emergence of Divine Kingship

A Forest of History is presented as a reflection on archeology 30 years after the publication of A Forest of Kings. The Untold Story of the Ancient Maya (Schele and Freidel, 1990, Quill, New York), but also as a tribute to this book...

Chloé Andrieu
Apr 2021

Ejemplos de pasión y tenacidad: las mujeres viajeras, exploradoras y arqueólogas en Yucatán durante los siglos XIX y XX

This article was written with the intention of giving a brief recognition to all those women who with their courage, passion, talent and interest in the past helped to forge the current Maya archaeology. Participating as assistants or companions in...

Héctor Hernández Álvarez, Rafael Cobos
Dec 2020

La Tumba II de Tingambato: una morada para una joven mujer de élite en el Epiclásico mesoamericano

Recent research carried out on the Epiclassic site of Tingambato (Michoacan) has shown that it participated in long-distance exchange networks to acquire prestigious goods and contribute to the circulation of ideas and knowledge. This insertion is particularly well reflected in...

José Luis Punzo Díaz, Alejandro Valdes Herrera
Dec 2020

Brigitte Faugère, Christopher S. Beekman (eds), Anthropomorphic Imagery in the Mesoamerican Highlands. Gods, Ancestors and Human Beings

Couverture de "Anthropomorphic imagery…"University Press of Colorado

“In ixtli in yoyotl” Difrasismo nahuatl. “De pies a cabeza; del rostro y el torso a los genitales; presentado en fragmento o en su totalidad estilizada por el artificio de las manos, el cuerpo se ofrece a la mirada con...

Anabel Villalonga Gordaliza
Oct 2020

How to make cassava bread: the introduction of metal graters in the Guianas during the 17th century

Recent archaeological research on Cayenne Island (French Guiana) showed that maize was a very important crop during the late pre-Columbian period (AD 900-1500), at least among the coastal population of this part of the Guianas. In contrast, the post-Columbian or Modern...

Martijn van den Bel
Sep 2020

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