3 Publications


Lapidaria suntuaria del sitio arqueológico de Plazuelas, Guanajuato, México. Una herramienta útil para proponer Redes de intercambio en el Bajío occidental durante el Epiclásico-Postclásico temprano (600 hasta > 900 EC)

The archaeological site of Plazuelas is located in the central-western area of Mexican territory and its cultural peak corresponds to the Epiclassical period (600-900 CE) and the beginnings of the Early Postclassic period. Its geographical location allowed it to be a commercial...

Jasinto Robles Camacho, Marco Antonio Meneses Nava, Ricardo Sánchez Hernández y Luz María Flores Morales
Mar 2023

Arqueología del sur de la cuenca de Chapala, Michoacán, México. Primeras aproximaciones a una región olvidada

The southern Chapala Basin has been a forgotten place for many years by Mexican archeology although if the surrounding regions have been extensively studied. The implementation of the Proyecto de Salvamento Arqueológico Las Purépechas has allowed to change a little this...

David Arturo Muñiz García, José Luis Punzo Díaz
May 2022

Ejemplos de pasión y tenacidad: las mujeres viajeras, exploradoras y arqueólogas en Yucatán durante los siglos XIX y XX

This article was written with the intention of giving a brief recognition to all those women who with their courage, passion, talent and interest in the past helped to forge the current Maya archaeology. Participating as assistants or companions in...

Héctor Hernández Álvarez, Rafael Cobos
Dec 2020